Its almost halloween, and you know what that means. You're going to start seeing hanna montannas, justin biebers, taylor swifts. The point is that, most kids like to dress up as famous people like iron man, or skeletons, so don't be anoyed if you see to many of one thing. That happened to me once, and that blew my halloween away. I saw to many kids dressed up as justin bieber, and hanna montanna, and got so mad, my mom sent me home. Luckily, my neighbor was nice enough to give me a lot of candy before I past their house. Now instead of going everywhere we can in 3 hours, i only stay in my neighborhood. So have a cool halloween. If you want to, send us a picture of you in your halloween costume, and we just might give you your own post all about you. just send your name, and a picture of you, and tell us all about you. send it to this email.
send us this info, and we'll ttyl.
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